Thanksgiving Dinner
On October 14th, join us for a traditional turkey dinner and pumpkin pie, we make everything from scratch. Come and walk the beautiful grounds before or after your meal. Cost $45, cash bar available.
Ghosts of PEI
Ghosts of PEI with Nathan Sizemore. Nathan is back for a third year! He has produced two new episodes detailing the story of the murder of Minnie McGee. The event will be on October 19th, and will include a soup and biscuits for $10 at 6:30 and the showing at 7pm of the 2 episodes followed by a question and answer portion to end the evening. If you wish to register email
Christmas Dinner
You are invited to our traditional Christmas Turkey Dinner: Soup, turkey with all the trimmings, choice of plum pudding or apple/cranberry crumble. Crackling fire, decorations, candlelight, live piano, carol singing, and your friends or family. Cost is $55, bookings are essential. There are three dates available, November 30th, December 6th and December 8th
For the Love of Maud Afternoon Tea

Montgomery enthusiasts are invited to enjoy a fancy Afternoon Tea while we retell the amusing stories connected to Lucy Maud Montgomery’s visit to the Sir Andrew Macphail Homestead in Orwell, Eastern PEI. The Governor General at the time, Earl Grey, wished to meet the creator of the delightful “Anne of Green Gables.”
Dr. Andrew Macphail and Lucy Maud Montgomery were both Island authours. Montgomery was a dedicated journal keeper. The extracts from one of her journals will tell entertaining stories and her impressions of the people and place during her visit. Through her entries, we get a glimpse of the woman writer and her sense of humour. Over tea discussions about her writing, and her struggle to be taken seriously as a woman.
Macphail, a well-known writer, and professor at McGill University, Montreal, was born at the Homestead. We invite you to enjoy a sumptuous Afternoon Tea while learning and talking about all things Maud.
Wednesday and Friday afternoons in July, August, and September from 2:00 – 3:30 pm. Minimum 3 people. Reservations are essential. $35 per person.
Sponsored by Cavendish Beach, Central Coastal Drive, and Montgomery150.
For the Love of Maud Kids Camp
Children who love Anne, Emily, Pat, Jane, and other delightful characters created by Lucy Maud Montgomery will experience a ‘pretend’ school day in the times of Montgomery’s characters who attended one-room schools. Our one-room school will have small numbers and a range of ages.
Reading excerpts from Montgomery’s books, creative writing, penmanship, dramatization, baking, and walking along the stream in the forest will be part of the experience.
Our “Great Room” would be converted into a ‘school room’ for the day. The historical homestead is an ideal backdrop. The forests that surround the homestead are filled with inspirational nature Montgomery loved. Lunch will be prepared by the students under the cook’s supervision, from Anne’s recipe book.
The camp strongly emphasizes listening, writing, and nature appreciation. Children must already read and write; we suggest grade 3 and older. Children are encouraged to dress up in early 1900s costumes. Some time will be spent outside. Please be prepared for mosquitos and hot days.
Tuesdays or Thursdays in July, August, and September 10 am – 4 pm, minimum 3, maximum 10 attendees, reservations essential. Cost is $25 per child. There is a 10% family discount.